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Soy Usua, socia y voluntaria de Amagintza desde 2010 y asesora de lactancia desde 2015. Madre de dos criaturas a las que amamante hasta los tres años y medio y seis años y medio.

Conocí la existencia de Amagintza durante mi embarazo, gracias a dos matronas que me acompañaron en el mismo. Recurrí a los talleres buscando información que me ayudara a gestionar el sueño de mi bebé, el cual había nacido prematuro. En los talleres encontré información, escucha, empatía, una tribu. Y me quede en la asociación.

Al nacer mi segunda hija y pese a no tener dificultades, no dude en acercarme de nuevo, participando de una forma más continuada y aprendiendo de las mujeres sabias que la conforma. Amagintza para mi es una tribu de grandes mujeres que comparten sus conocimientos y experiencias con quienes las necesiten.

Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.

We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.

Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.

Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.

We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.

Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.

We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.

Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.

Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.

We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.

Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.

We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.

Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.

Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.

We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.

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Porque para poder amamantar con éxito las madres necesitamos una buena red de apoyo. ​

Correo Electrónico
662 605 025