Soy Rakel, madre de dos niñas, socia de Amagintza desde 2016 y asesora voluntaria desde 2019. Busqué un grupo de apoyo a la lactancia embarazada de mi primera hija en 2011, leí en algún sitio que no recuerdo que era importante si querías lactar. Tuve una primera lactancia de 14 meses sin dificultades y Amagintza me ayudó a compaginar lactancia y trabajo.
Con mi segunda hija tuve muchísimos problemas, si no llega a ser por las que ahora son mis compañeras de Amagintza jamás hubiera lactado durante casi cinco años. En los talleres de lactancia estaba muy cómoda, esperaba con ganas que llegara el siguiente. Me asocie y empecé a ayudar un poco puntualmente y un día me dijeron si quería formarme para asesora. Dude si sería capaz, pero acepte y ellas me ayudaron.
En Amagintza he encontrado grandes mujeres, amigas, comadres, tribu que toda madre necesita para maternar. Pedí auxilio cuando lo necesite y me he quedado para poder acompañar a otras madres y porque ya no concibo mi vida sin mis locas de las tetas.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.