Soy Leyre, socia y voluntaria de Amagintza desde 2017. Asesora de lactancia, enfermera experta en consultoría y asesoría en Lactancia Materna e IBCLC.
He amamantado durante 3 años a mi hijo mayor y sigo lactando a mi hijo pequeño de 21 meses. Llegué a Amagintza queriendo resolver los problemas de lactancia cuando nació mi hijo mayor. Aquí encontré a mi Comadre y a un grupo de mujeres sabías que también habían vivido y superado dificultades, y que me acompañan y sostienen desde entonces.
Me formé y me quedé en Amagintza para devolver un poquito de lo que recibí y recibo cada día, mujeres ayudando a otras mujeres. Mi motor, una Rosa y mis dos hijos.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.