Soy Gemma, Amagintza estuvo conmigo desde el principio ayudándome con el inicio de la lactancia, pero a los talleres no llegué hasta meses más tarde y encontré un lugar donde estar entre iguales, un lugar de respeto, una tribu.
Fui aprendiendo y empecé a colaborar, al principio con cosas sencillas y conforme me fui formando me animé a colaborar más comprometidamente como asesora. Amagintza me ayudó a normalizar la lactancia.
Madre de una hija de 16 años, 5 años de lactancia. Acudiendo a los talleres desde el 2006 y socia oficial desde el 2009.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.
Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.
Their business to develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic develop successful digital ideas and strategies that engage and convert significant, targeted traffic.
We embrace holistic development and support for the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors.